Diethard Mahorka, Founder & CEO.


Diethard Mahorka began his career as hardware developer at Philips, Austria and joined later SIEMENS AG, Austria, as software developer of the pioneering team defining the interworking interface that realised the first integrated voice-data connection (ISDN) in Europe between France and Germany.


As an expert in the field of ISDN, Diethard founded the company "DATAPLUS -DIETHARD MAHORKA" as a sole proprietorship in 1994, offering consulting and development services in the field of ISDN, from which DATASOFT ISDN Systems GmbH emerged in 1996.


Public Awards: In 1997, the company was honoured with appreciation by the state of Lower Austria to the Award of Innovation for development of the first ISDN board in Austria enabling digital data exchange via ISDN, in 2002 for the development of the first broadband powerline product brought to series production in Europe and in 2020 for the development of the safety and security middleware platform OSAM (Open System Abstraction Model) enabling radical reduction of SW development and efforts of Mission Critical Systems by enabling 100% re-use of code for Embedded and PC based solutions (European and US software patent).


Industry Awards: After joining Continental AG, Austria, as project manager in 2012, Diethard was honoured several times with the Best Practices Awards in project management for the overall product development of hardware, software and mechanics for worldwide leading OEMs by internal & external auditors (Automotive SPICE Level 3) and in 2013 with the award as Preferred Supplier for the development of Head Light Electronic Control Unit (ECU) as part of the multicultural project team at Continental were he was acting as responsible product project manager. In 2014, Diethard joined the Division Driver Assistance Systems at Continental, Germany and received the Group Award by Volkswagen Germany as a member of the team at Continental for the development of a radar ECU in his responsibility as Software Project Manager in 2016.


Diethard holds a diploma degree in electronics and communications engineering from HTBLuVA St. Pölten, Austria, and a diploma degree in industrial engineering from the University of Applied Sciences Mittweida, Germany.

To contact us:


Phone:  +43 (0)2742 78103